Why Don't You..Schedule a Yearly Tune-Up for your Lawnmower?

Keeping your lawnmower in good working order will cut emissions by up to 50 percent and reduce fuel consumption by 30%. Most local hardware or home improvement stores offer lawnmower tune-up services.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Want to Volunteer? Green Seattle Partnership Would Love Your Help!

Get Involved with the Green Seattle Partnership
Find the Green Seattle Partnership at a Summer Festival 
Green Seattle Partnership will be tabling at  some festivals and community events this summer. We are excited to talk about forest restoration, connect people with their local parks and recruit more volunteers for the coming restoration season. If you are at one of these events, come by our booth, say hi and play a round of native plant twister!

If you are interested in helping with outreach at one of 

Native Plants Gives Benefits to Humans and Birds
co-written by Eric Carlson and Katie Cava
Just as plants are good indicators of the health of an environment, so too are birds. Invasive birds such as European Starlings, Pigeons (Rock Doves) and House Sparrows have adapted to some of the most degraded habitat we know: urban centers. House Sparrows and Starlings are especially problematic due to their aggressive behavior and tendency to invade nesting cavities used by native birds such as Bluebirds, Woodpeckers. 

As the Green Seattle Partnership works to restore Seattle’s urban forests and natural spaces we are improving the health of the ecosystems used by both birds and humans.  Healthy forests filled with native plants offer native food sources to birds like the Black Capped Chickadee, the Song Sparrow and the Dark-eyed Junco.
 Join the effort to restore our forest by volunteering at an upcoming event.

Birds in Green Seattle Partnership Parks 
Bird and wildlife run and flutter throughout our Seattle forest. Sometimes we can miss the wildlife for the trees and native plants. In order to highlight all the great birds that are utilizing our restored forests, we created a Facebook Album of great bird pictures capture in Green Seattle Partnership parks. Take a look at our photos (most taken by Forest Steward and restoration volunteers) and share your bird pictures with us!
Stay Connected:  
Green Seattle Partnership | www.greenseattle.org

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