Why Don't You..Schedule a Yearly Tune-Up for your Lawnmower?

Keeping your lawnmower in good working order will cut emissions by up to 50 percent and reduce fuel consumption by 30%. Most local hardware or home improvement stores offer lawnmower tune-up services.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Want Some Green? We Mean MONEY!!?!?!

Hello Redmond Employees!!!

Is commuting to work costing you a fortune in gas, car maintenance and oil changes? Are you tired of being stuck in traffic day after day? Well, we have many possible solutions to your traffic woes, and you might even have an opportunity to commute for free!

We know many of you are new to PlayNetwork and/or unfamiliar with rTrip and how it works. We've heard everything from "oh well I don't live in Redmond, so it's not for me" to "I only carpool with my spouse a few times a week, so it's not for me." There are lots of reasons "it's not for me" keeps coming up. 

But the truth is....if you live or work in Redmond IT IS FOR YOU! That is the only requirement. Simple. Easy. Basic. Translation: All Redmond employees are eligible!

How do you sign up you ask? Just visit their website www.GorTrip.com! It's easy, private (they do not sell your information), takes just a few minutes and FREE!

So what happens after you sign up? SO MUCH GOOD STUFF!

  • Automatically entered into monthly drawings from rTrip
  • Automatically entered into ANY drawings PlayGreen decides to do around rTrip
  • After logging your first 50 commutes ("green" or not/consecutive or not) rTrip automatically sends you a $50 gift card to Amazon
  • Free bus passes for first time bus riders
  • Up to $50 off Vanpooling each month for 6 months

This program has been in place here at PlayNetwork since October 1, 2009, and as of right now PlayNetwork employees have:
  • Documented 6,577 total commutes!
  • Reduced 107,000 lbs of CO2 from the air!
  • Saved 4,953 gallons of gas!
  • Eliminated 3,405 trips!
  • Saved $23,900 dollars!

With all these great incentives we TRIPLE DOG DARE you to find a greener way of commuting to work! Whether it be walking, biking, carpooling, bussing, or vanpooling! And as stated, after 50 days, you will receive a $50 gift card to Amazon.com! 

Our very first employee (still here) to sign up was Kym Burgmeier and the last person to sign up was Grady Tyree! Grady was employee #39! We'll be checking the stats on this monthly.....employee #50 will win a prize from PlayGreen! 



Questions? Comments? Reach out to PlayGreen@PlayNetwork.com 

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